Friday, February 18, 2011

1 Month - from crying to cooing

I can't count how many times other mothers have told me "they grow up before you know it!".
I think that phrase is something no one fully understands until they have a little one of their own.
Even with the sleepless nights, long bouts with crying, spit up ruined outfits
it still feels like just yesterday we got to bring our little Puffin home.
In the 6 weeks that I've been a mother, so much has already changed.
I thought it would be fun to document those changes monthly with photos and a short little write-up about motherhood and Noah in that month. 
(DISCLAIMER: I'm a pretty proud mom, and doubt I will only write monthly about baby Noah!)

Date of Birth: Friday, January 7, 2011
I was scared beyond belief. I was never a "baby person". In fact, I always thought that infants either resembled old men, or a sort of alien.
But not Noah, I think I had "mommy goggles" on, because he was perfection. 
I was hooked from that moment - even if I didn't know how to change a diaper, or burp a baby.

1 Month Old: Monday ,February 7, 2011
My how things have changed in one short month.
When we brought Noah home, he had 2 modes - crying/screaming, or sleeping
Now, he is holding up his own head, taking in the world around him. He has learned the art of throwing his pacifier, rolling over, and grasping things that dangle in front of him.
I don't care what "they" say, he smiles. He may not know why he is smiling - 
but I'm a firm believer that it's not "just gas". 
His coos and grunts {mostly grunts} are ever entertaining,
and when we have our cuddle time each morning, and we lock eyes, I fall in love all over again.
{Did I mention, motherhood has made my cheesiness shoot through the roof?!}

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother ,never. A mother is something absolutely new" - Rajneesh

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